Lenard has tested its ReusableTECVIN* hygienic face mask, with flame-retardant properties after 50 wash cycles!
In line with UNE 0065:2020 and CWA 17553:2020 specification guidelines, we continue to achieve excellent results in terms of Bacterial Filtration Efficiency (BFE).
BFE: It achieves an efficiency of 99.95% in its original state. After 50 washes, the mask maintains an efficiency of 97.30%.
BREATHABILITY: The mask shows good results in terms of breathability, with a differential pressure of 58.4 Pa/cm² in its original state and 37.96 Pa/cm² after 50 wash cycles.
Mask tested in official ENAC accredited laboratory according to the UNE 17025 specification, with report number IN-02440-2020
Always protecting people
*The reusable TECVIN hygienic face mask is not classified as PPE